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Bollywood Celebrities


Actress Katrina Kaif - Top Ten Bollywood Celebrities

Katrina Kaif Famous Indian Actress

Top 10 Bollywood Celebrities
Katrina Kaif is an English actress who works in Hindi films. She has established herself in Bollywood and is one of India's highest-paid actresses. Born in Hong Kong, Kaif and her family lived in several countries before she moved to London.

Born: 16 July 1983, Hong Kong
Height: 1.68 m
Citizenship: British
Siblings: Isabelle Kaif, Christine Raphael Duran Spencer,

Katrina Kaif's Zodiac Sign

The planets in the birth chart decide what kind of a person the Katrina Kaif will be in his life? What would be Katrina Kaif’s nature? Will Katrina Kaif be rich? Will Katrina Kaif be famous? Everything is decided at the time of individual’s birth by the birth chart and this also reveals the same for Katrina Kaif.
Rasi/ Moon Sign: Virgo
Nakshatra or star constellations: Hasta
Star Sign/ Zodiac Sign/ Sun Sign (Western): Cancer
Star Sign/ Zodiac Sign/ Sun Sign (Indian): Gemini

Virgos are born between August 23 and September 22, and belong to the Earth element of the zodiac (along with Taurus and Capricorn). Earth signs are solid, reliable, practical and stoic. They are the zodiac’s backbone!
Virgos are blessed with a powerful intelligence AND equally cursed with a leaning towards self-criticism and judgment. They can turn that ‘laser beam’ of perceptiveness on anyone, anytime, but mostly it’s (sadly) focussed on themselves. They are not their own BFF by default, and it can take gentle Virgo a long time to curb this savage inner judge. That said, this perfectionism can drive them to heights of achievement, fame and success which other, more laid-back, star signs can only dream of.
Top 10 Bollywood Celebrities

Top hit Songs, Katrina Kaif

Chikni Chameli,
afghan Jalebi,
Tu Meri,
Sheila Ki jawani,
Dhoom Machale Dhoom,

Top 10 Bollywood Celebrities

Top Hit Katrina Kaif Movies

Mere Brother Ki Dulhan
Tiger Zinda Hai
Jagga Jasoos
New York
Bang Bang

Bollywood actors and their Zodiac Signs

Top 10 Bollywood Celebrities
Katrina started working as a model, when she was just 14. She was soon spotted by Kaizad Gustad, who casted her for the movie Boom – released in 2003. Katrina was running the mahadasa of Rahu till January 2000 and it was only after commencement of Jupiter’s mahadasa from February 2000 onwards, that Katrina started tasting real success of her efforts.
Not to mention again, that the most auspicious planet Jupiter is very strong placed in the most auspicious house in her birth chart which blessed her from the very moment its mahadasa started.

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Narendra Modi Birth Star, Astrology

Tamil Film Actresses

Katrina Kaif BIO,Age,Height,Movies,Photos
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